And after summoning two of his disciples, John sent them to the Lord, saying, “Are You the Coming One, or are we to look for another?”
Luc 7:19 (NASB)
When we read the story in Luke 7:18-28, we find Jesus praising the work of John the Baptist. He even called him the greatest of the prophets in verse 28. However, shortly before this saying of Jesus, we see John sending disciples to Him to question Him if whether He was the coming Messiah. John wanted to confirm that his ministry was valid and that he had fulfilled his calling.
Do you often find yourself questioning your calling or ministry as to whether this is what God has called you to do? If this has already happened to you, know that it is normal to ask questions. As long as the question concerns your calling, you can always seek to know God's will. Note that Jesus' answer to the question did not disappoint John. Rather, His response emphasized the value of Jonh's ministry.
There is no doubt that John's disciples returned to him with assurance of his anointing and his teachings, as well as confirmation that he was a true mentor. So know that your questions are not an offense to God. Rather, they are the proof of your desire to serve Him faithfully and also to the confirmation that you are exactly where He has placed you. Do not hesitate to question God when you have doubts about your calling. He will be happy to praise your humility and zeal for His work.
May the grace and the peace of God be with you all.