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How to Fear God

Writer's picture: J.J. PapinJ.J. Papin

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Proverbs 1:7 (NLT)

Often we go to church out of habit. It's an activity that we can't miss on Sunday morning, but we hardly listen to the messages. We actively participate in Bible studies and prayer meetings, but we do not pay attention to the true worship that this should mean to us. Such negligence on our part is a rejection of the fear of God. Even when we study the Bible, it is to gain additional knowledge, not to know God and draw closer to Him.

Anyone who calls themselves a Christian must have the fear of God in their heart. However, fearing God does not mean being afraid of Him. Rather, it is to revere Him with love, live in obedience or submission to His word and be humble before His face. Once you can meet these three conditions, it is clear that you have the fear of God.

The fear that God requires of us is a life of worship and a total submission to His will. Note that the verse speaks of knowledge in relation to fear. Yet, speaking of wisdom and discipline, it tells us that fools reject them. We must therefore understand that the only way to acquire the knowledge necessary to develop this fear of God is through His word. This is exactly what fools reject. So today, I encourage you not to put aside the Bible, the word of God, but to cling to it, because it is thanks to it that you will know how to fear the God you serve.

May the grace and peace of God be with you all.

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