Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
Psalms 1:1 (KJV)
Often we wonder how we can please God, how to walk and live according to His will. The Bible as a whole (Old and New Testament) is full of passages (verses and chapters) that clearly explain to us how to live according to the word of God. Psalm 119 is entirely devoted to this teaching.
The book of Psalms, from the first chapter and the first verse, gives us three examples of what a Christian should not do: (1) Do not walk after the counsel of the wicked, (2) Do not stand on the way of sinners and (3) Do not sit with scoffers. Verse 2 goes on to tell us what a Christian should do instead. And as for verse 3, it tells us the blessings that flow from it. Isn't that a good example of how we should live to please God?
However, this verse does not imply that one should not be courteous and friendly to sinners. On the contrary, what it means is not to participate or to approve of what they are doing. We should be examples for them. That is to say, instead of following them in their sinful life, it would be up to us to lead them to follow us. By doing so, we will allow them to enjoy the blessings of the Lord.