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Our Upcoming Schedule
Our team would be delighted if you would share your opinion with us. This would allow us to make improvements to our daily programming. To contact us and share your opinion with us, go to the Contact Page. We will be happy to even follow up with you.

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Intercession Prayer Show

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Couleur Gospel Show

Intimacy With God show

Slide_Intercessory Prayer
Intercession Prayer Show
If you have a message that God has placed on your heart and you would like to proclaim it behind a microphone, then you are welcome t our team. We are open to any program proposal based on the word of God and the edification of His people. All you have to do is prepare the project and submit it to our programming department. After analysis, we will ask you to explain it to us. However, it is reserved to the discretion of the programming to reject a project if it does not respect the conditions and standards established according to the mission of the radio.
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