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WHY A FAQs SECTION?The FAQ Section is here to quickly answer all types of questions you may have, such as: "What is Promogos Radio's mission?" or "What is our confession of faith?" and many others. If you do not have the answer (s) to your question (s) on this page, do not hesitate to go to the "Contact" page to ask us directly. Perhaps your question will be important enough to add it to this list and help other visitors who will have the same question.
WHAT GENRE IS PROMOGOS RADIO?Promogos Radio is a Christian Faith-Based radio station streaming praise and worship music.
WHAT IS THE MISSION OF PROMOGOS RADIO?The mission of the radio is to bring God's people into an attitude of worship in submission to His name.
DO YOU STREAM OTHER GENRE THAN CHRISTIAN MUSIC ON THE RADIO?No, we stream only Christian Music (Praise & Worship) to bring glory to our God and for the upliftment of our listeners.
WHAT TYPE OF PROGRAM DO YOU STREAM ON THE RADIO?Our programs are oriented towards the spiritual growth of our listeners. We have three main programs, they are categorized into Bible Teaching, Biblical Counseling, Spiritual Accompaniement and Guidance.
IS PROMOGOS RADIO A COMMERCIAL OR NON-COMMERCIAL RADIO?Promogos Radio is Non-Commercial. It is legally registered under the laws of the State of Florida as a non-profit radio station. However, we are working on a advertising plan option to advertise for Churches, Christian Organizations and Schools, Spiritual Events on our programs (Talk Shows) to support the effort of our operators and presenters by providing them with necessary materiels (documents and equipments) to help them accomplishing their good work.
DOES THE RADIO ACCEPT DONATIONS?Yes, we do accept donations. As long as these donations do not require us to compromise our faith or to turn away from our mission. The donations received for the radio meet only the needs of the radio. In return we undertake to provide a detailed report to our donors if they require us to know what their financial donations have been used for.
WHAT IS THE RELATION BETWEEN PROMOGOS RADIO AND PROMOGOS MINISTRIES?Promogos Radio is an entity of Promogos Ministries, of which it is the voice beyond the four walls, touching the heart of those searching answers all over the world.
WHAT IS THE RELIGIOUS ORIENTATION OF THE RADIO?We do not value any sect, cult or religious grouping. But we, as Spirit-Filled Christians, consider the word of God as the foundation of our faith and mission. We believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God, His sacrificial death, His resurrection, and that He sits at the right hand of the father, interceding for the saints.
DO THE RADIO HAS A MINISTRY THAT HELPING LISTENERS GROW IN FAITH?Yes, we have a coaching and spiritual assistance program that is open to anyone who needs help to develop their faith and grow in the knowledge of the word. It is a small group and one to one (individual) meeting program, according to the situation and disposition of participants.
DO PROMOGOS RADIO HAVE A MOBILE APP?No, the radio has no plan to have its own mobile app yet. We certainly have this option on the list of our upcoming projects. But it is not yet one of our priorities because we are working on other large-scale projects. However, our listeners can find us on platforms such as: ZenoRadio, TuneIn, VRadio, MyTuner, RadioNet, Streema, Coolstreaming, Raddio, ListenOnlineRadio, FMRadioFree, Invibu, etc.
DOES THE RADIO OFFER JOB OPPORTUNITIES?At the moment, we are not hiring. The radio staff is made up of active leading members of Promogos Ministries. All with the same purpose, spreading of the gospel and the spiritual upliftment of our listeners.
WHERE DO THE RADIO'S FINANCIAL RESOURCES COME FROM?The financial ressources of the radio comes from listeners and supporters who decided to help us achieving our main mission of bringing the people of God in a new atmosphere of worship. It also comes from our pastor to whom God has revealed this ministry.
CAN A LISTENER REQUEST TO REPLAY MUSIC?Yes, we offer to our listeners the option to request their favorite song/music. They will need to go to the Music-Request section to do so. The requested song may not be played immediately, because we won't play a music twice in a row. A listener will have to wait until at least four to six pieces of music have been played before being satisfied with his/her request.
WHAT ARE THE CRITERIA FOR SELECTING OR BROADCASTING A SONG/MUSIC ON THE RADIO?Whether an album is purchased by the music section of the radio or sent to us by the artist or an authorized person, our Music & Content Manager, who himself is a biblically-minded composer, takes the time to listen to it carefully to be sure that it respects our guideline. It must be biblically, theologically and spiritually oriented, in the sense of giving glory to God and edifying the saints instead of bringing strong emotions.
CAN I PURCHASE ALBUMS OR MUSIC ON THE WEBSITE?No, the radio is operating under the Copyright Protected Laws, we have not registered as authorized albums seller. Most of the songs/music we are streaming on the radio are directly given to us by artists, composers, promoters or producers.
CAN I DOWNLOAD SONGS/MUSIC ON THE WEBSITE?No, we don’t have downloading option on the website. This is to prevent people from using our website for financial purposes in order to meet their personal interests.
CAN A LISTENER BRING NEW IDEAS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE RADIO PROGRAMMING?Yes, we are very open to ideas and suggestions allowing the radio to offer a better quality and spiritual healthy service aimed at its primary purpose, that is of giving glory to God and edifying his listeners.
CAN I CREATE AN ACCOUNT ON THE WEBSITE?No, at the moment we do not offer any service or activity requiring such an option.
IF A SONG OR A PROGRAM IS INAPPROPRIATE CAN IT BE REPORTED?Yes, if it is a song, the listener who noticed it can send us a message mentioning the title of the song, the name of the artist and the exact time the song was playing, which you will find on the "Our Playlist" page, so that we can trace it and remove it from our playlist. If it is a program (show), the listener needs to give us the name of the show and a brief explanation of what makes it inappropriate, and we will follow up to solve the problem. For such a case, the listener can decide to keep his/her identity private.
WHAT IF I WOULD LIKE TO DOWNLAOD A SERMON IN THE 'ONDEMAND' SECTION?Listeners can only listen to sermons in this section. No download is allowed. But if a listener would like to get a specific broadcasted sermon, he/she can make an online request by sending a message on the contact page or by email ( However, the only sermons that we share with listeners are those preached by our pastor.
WHAT IF I WANT TO HOST A LIVE SHOW ON THE RADIO?We are open to receiving new program proposals. As long as they meet our requirements and conditions, and remain in line with our mission, they can be accepted. However, most of the radio shows are pre-programmed. Our operating method does not allow us to integrate live shows into our broadcasting schedule. But we are planning to have this option available very soon.
WHY IS THE "DAILY MEDIATION" NOT A RADIO SHOW?The "Daily Meditation", which follows a written format, was created solely for the website and our social media pages to help our visitors and subscribers develop a habit of daily devotion by sending a daily notification in their email. However, there will soon be an equivalent daily talk show, called "Intimacy with God," hosted by Pastor J.J. Papin.
DO I NEED TO BE A MEMBER OF PROMOGOS MINISTRIES TO JOIN THE RADIO STAFF?No. As long as you are a Christian, who share our beliefs, having a good standing in faith, a solid biblical background and you can prove your ability to meet the requirements, you are qualified (See previous question). But that doesn't mean you're going to be accepted.
CAN ANYONE APPLY TO BECOME A WRITER FOR THE RADIO?Yes, but there are specific conditions and requirements to follow. A writer must be a christian, an active member of a local evangelical church. He must have a good testimony from his church leaders and convincing references. At least two. He must demonstrate a sense of biblical texts analysis and prove his ability to do in-depth biblical research, and be able to interpret the scripture properly, using any verse according to its context. There are other conditions but they will be given to the one who wants to join the team.
DO YOU PROVIDE TRAINING FOR NEW WRITERS?No, we do not offer training in biblical or spiritual writing. We cannot teach someone how to become a meditation or devotional writer. It is a gift inspired by the Holy Spirit. However, we do provide our writers with a well-stocked library that can help them gain more biblical knowledge and guidance to better reach their target audience.
CAN ANYONE APPLY TO VOLUNTEER AT THE RADIO?No, not anyone. But any Christian who share our statement of faith, our core value and ready to embrace our mission can volunteer to be part of this ministry. As we mentionned it, we are runnig by the help of unpaid volunteers who care for the station's cause.
DOES THE RADIO PROMOTE OR SUPPORT POLITICS?No, Promogos Radio does not do politics. We do not support any political party or share any political point of view. We are a purely Christian radio station that promotes the gospel of Jesus Christ and the foundations of Christian life according to the word of God. However, we do not restrain our staff members from having their political preferences and personal political opinions. It is their right.
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