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Writer's pictureJ.J. Papin

The Lord Will Deliver

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.

Psalm 34:19 (KJV)

No one is safe from troubles, difficulties and misfortune, regardless of their faithfulness, faith in God and righteousness. But one thing is sure, God will always bring peace and joy into his life in the midst of his situation and help him get out of it. No matter how dark your life may be, never let anyone stop you from focusing your mind on Christ who provide deliverance to all.

Contrary to what one might believe, it is very interesting that the verse, even the entire chapter, does not mention that the righteous will be spared from the difficulties in his life. But it says that God will deliver him from afflictions, which means all kinds of painful situations. By using the word "Deliver", the author emphasizes the idea of a rescue mission. It can be very hard for you to go through some situations, but remember that God will keep you safe and unharmed.

You may doubt whether God sees you or hears your prayer, but one thing I want you to know today, God is a good father, He will always keep His word toward you because He loves you even more than you know. He is the only one who can provide for your needs. To be righteous here means to believe Him, have faith in Him and obey His word. Once you have this conviction in your heart, do not be afraid of your affliction for God will deliver you from them all.

May the grace and the peace of God be with you all.

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