Lord, we thank You and praise You for all Your goodness towards us. All the good things in our life come from You, it is not by our merit but by Your grace. Our hearts will never cease to praise You and give You glory for what You have done for us.
Your word recommends us to pray for the saints. So today we come before You to pray for all believers around the world. They all need Your presence in their lives, because without You they are nothing. Forgive them, Lord, of their offense and cleanse them from their iniquity. Give them strength to face the trials and difficulties of life, O God.
We live in a world that rejects Your word, that trying to distance them from You, keep them from falling into temptation. Bless them, protect them, fill them with Your spirit and help them to live in obedience to Your holy word.
In the name of Jesus, we pray to You,