We must carry out the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.
John 9:4 (NASB)
Jesus Christ did not consider His works as personal satisfaction or fulfillment as a God-Man, although He was repeatedly exposed to this temptation. Rather, he considered them, whether works of miracles, teachings or healings, as fulfilling the will of the. Will which was manifested from the beginning: That of the reconciliation of men with God. Therefore, walking in obedience to this ultimate will, before taking any action, whether to proclaim the kingdom or to perform a miracle, he always spent time in the presence of the Father.
From Luke 2:41-51 we see that from the age of 12, Jesus was already overcome by the desire to do his father's will. And when he spoke, even in his youth, everyone was amazed at his wisdom and the power of his message, whether it was the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the tax collectors, or the people who listened to him. He was accomplishing his mission. We must understand that He had identified it.
Like Jesus, you must know your mission and identify with this mission. Ask God to reveal your mission to you. Whatever answer you get to this question, as an active member of a local assembly, the goal will always be the same for all: to spiritually guide and direct the weak in the faith, those who seek the answer to their question in the knowledge of God. and his will. Once you clearly understand this step, you are obligated to carry it out according to God's will. Otherwise, it will not only be a waste of time and energy.
May the grace and the peace of God be with you all.