For we walk by faith, not by sight.
2 Corinthians 5:7 (CSB)
I remember a time when I was going through such difficult times in my life that I prayed tirelessly. A very good friend who was also facing a difficult situation in his family suggested that we withdraw from all kinds of activities and fast until God answers us. I accepted immediately. We spent three days and three nights fasting on the mountain. On the third day, we decided to pray successively.
When it was his turn to pray, he received a revelation telling him that everything was going to work out for me, but that he would have to spend a little more time in his situation before he would be delivered. He couldn't stop telling me even though deep down he didn't want to. But when he had finished, he began to cry and ask himself: Where is his God? Why not him? What did he do wrong? After that, he abandoned his faith in God for a while, thinking that he didn't matter to Him.
What my friend didn't understand at that time was that God had not abandoned him, but He wanted to test him even longer because his faith was not yet well founded, it was still wavering. He fasted fervently but he wanted to see God's response to be sure of his faith in Him. The Bible teaches us that walking by faith means trusting God even when we don't see Him intervening in our circumstances to deliver us. When you pray, know that God hears you and will come to your aid when He sees fit. Don't be like my friend who failed God's test.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.