For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I will help you.”
Isaiah 41:13 (RSV)
After years of watching his father make sacrifices to feed him, send him to school, and care for him, a boy one day asked his father, “Am I too much of a burden for you?” The father looked at him, smiled, and replied, “You are not a burden to me, but a blessing from heaven. Your presence has given meaning to my life. Because of you, I have understood the meaning of sacrifice, so I will always be there for you, you do not have to be afraid.”
Each of us needs to hear reassuring words like those of this father who expresses to his son what he means to him. The people of Israel were going through times of bitter distress that led them to question God’s presence and His liberating power. The people needed to hear reassuring words. In this chapter, we see God challenging their fear. He describes the situations of different people to show that their deliverance and support come from Him.
Throughout the Old Testament, when God makes a promise, He always signs it with the famous signature: “I am the Lord your God.” Just like Israel, you are loved by God and protected by His hand, you do not need to worry or doubt His promise. If He says He is your God and will come to your rescue, no one can contradict Him. His famous signature always reminds Him of His promise to you.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.