And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.
John 17:3 (NASB)
Amazingly, God asks us to seek Him with all our hearts to know Him better. Yet, trying to know and understand the person of God is like trying to understand the adult world with your finite mind. Which is impossible. Yet, God wants to be known by us so that we can worship and honor Him for who He really is. You might ask, how can I know and understand Him? The answer is simple: He reveals Himself in a way that we, like the child with his finite mind, can know and understand Him.
According to the Bible, the God we serve is the only true God, He is the Lord of heaven, the LORD of hosts, the everlasting Father, the Comforter, the Creator, the Savior of men, the Counselor, the Sustainer, the Alpha and the Omega. He is the wonderful and amazing God that you should know. Not as you want to know Him, but as He is. Knowing God is not enough for the seeker. The best part of knowing Him is having a personal relationship with Him. Then you will understand Him, for He will reveal Himself to you according to the extent of your understanding.
God not only wants us to know Him, He also wants us to trust Him and feed on Him. If trusting Him means relying on Him in all circumstances, what about feeding on Him? It means we must manifest His character in our daily lives. We must imbibe His love, His power, His goodness, His mercy, His forgiveness, all the qualities He gave us when He created us in His image. This is how you must know the God you worship. Knowing Him will refresh your mind and restore your soul.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.