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Writer's pictureJ.J. Papin

The Secret Place

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

Psalm 42:2 (NKJV)

I could call this title "Secret Time" instead of the secret place, because one can always use his time to pray or meditate or confess his sins or even worship God. But we always prefer to find a quiet place, a place where no one will disturb us when we come into the presence of our Lord. So place is far more important to us than time when it comes to spending time in the presence of God.

Our secret place is our daily devotional time where we can open our hearts to God to let Him, as David did, search our hearts to see whether or not our lives are in harmony with His will. Devotion has four, even five fundamental aspects: Meditation of the word, its Memorization, Confession, Adoration and total Submission to the will of God. One does not work without the other because each aspect has its role to play in devotion.

I am not saying that these aspects are exhaustive. But, the Old and the New Testament instructed us to do so: Memorization: “Let this book of the law not depart from your mouth”; Meditation: "Meditate on it day and night"; Confession: "If we confess our forgive and purify of our iniquities." Ultimately, worship and submission lead us to recognize our sinfulness and the sovereignty of God in our lives.

When you are in your secret place, make sure your heart has a real thirst for God, your mind and soul must be fully engaged, for that is the attitude that pleases God when you appear in before Him.

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