Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.
Romans 8:8 (NIV)
When we want to please someone we love, we do exactly what they want us to do or we act in a way that will please them. It is not out of fear that we do this, we simply take pleasure in pleasing them. If what we do does not please them, without them having to speak, we feel disappointed in ourselves. This is the attitude we must adopt towards a Holy God who asks us to live a holy life that pleases Him.
Different versions of the Bible use different expressions, such as "by the flesh" or "by their own nature" or "under the influence of the flesh". Whatever expression is used, they all come to the same conclusion: he who gratifies his own desires, those of the flesh, instead of living in God's way, cannot please Him. Your desires sometimes haunt you to the point of making you believe that they are normal and that everyone is inclined to comply with them without needing resistance.
God knows your weaknesses. He knows exactly where you will fall when exposed to any kind of temptation. That is why, throughout the Bible, He tells us to make His Word the center of our lives and decisions. Knowledge of the Word is one of the best weapons we have to fight against the desires of the flesh and to please God. It is through the Word that the Holy Spirit will reveal to you how to flee the desires of the flesh and how to walk in a way that pleases God.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.