It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1 (NIV)
What does Paul mean by Christ has set us free to be free? If we read chapter 4, we will understand that this verse, although it is the beginning of another chapter, is the conclusion of this chapter which explains to us what it is to be free. By free we can understand that Paul is referring to two things: free from the Mosaic law and free from the slavery of sin.
We are free from the law in the sense that we do not have to obey it to earn our salvation or our right to belong to God's family. We are freed from the slavery of sin in the sense that sin can no longer condemn us before God to cause us to lose His grace. Jesus Christ paid the price of the sacrifice required by the law, and through his death we received God's forgiveness. You and I can draw near to God today in peace because we are free from slavery, whether to the law or to sin.
When we talk about our relationship with God, we no longer need to think in "I Have to" but rather in "I Want" because the desire of God's heart is to see us serve Him with a joyful and willing heart. Let me remind you that your sin does not remove you from the list of God's children, but it can remove you from Him. However, if, in Christ Jesus, you confess your sins before Him with a repentant heart, even the. The law cannot prevent you from returning to Him because your personal relationship with God is justified in Christ.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.