Those who fashion an idol are all futile, and their treasured things are of no benefit; even their own witnesses fail to see or know, so that they will be put to shame.
Isaiah 44:9 (NASB)
At a conference, after my husband finished preaching a message on the theme “Nature Bears Witness to the Glory of God,” a young man came up to him and asked, “Your God is very boastful , isn’t that pride?” It was captivating to see him smile at the young man as he replied, “Do you think He should be?” As the young man continued to question him, he opened his Bible and read Isaiah 44:6-10. Hearing him explain this passage to the young man, I was much more edified than when he preached from the pulpit.
God does not need to boast of His glory or power. We see them through His works. He only declares what we know to be true about Him in our hearts. Have you ever seen or heard someone tell you that an idol answered their prayers? I do not think so! But as for my God, I see people praising Him every day for answering their prayer. Those who bow down to their idols don't know why they do it, but they do it anyway.
What they don't know is that every time a person gives an idol a place in their life, an evil spirit uses that idol to manipulate them. As Christians, we know the God we serve and we have faith in Him because we know who He is. Is it bragging if God says in verse 8, “Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one." (NIV) I do not think so. He only says that He is the God of all eternity
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.