Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.
Psalm 46:2 (NKJV)
It is not always easy to hold on to difficult times when they come. We ask ourselves all sorts of questions, including where God stands in relation to what we are going through and His will. Often, this is the time when we most seek God and doubt Him at the same time, especially when we have no recourse. None of us can always avoid questioning God.
The good news is that the doubt you have and the fear you feel will not prevent God from answering your prayers and acting on your behalf. If you take the case of David, you will see in many of his psalms, he always expresses his fear of what is coming. But in the end, he always demonstrates his faith and trust in God, knowing that He will deliver him from his pain and the snares of his enemies.
I will not ask you to put yourself in David’s shoes because it is impossible. But the example of his faith in God and his trust in His promises can serve you. For he knew the same God that you serve today. God does not change. If He acted for David and took care of him in his dark hours, He will do much more for you because the difficulties of David's time are not so different from yours. God crosses time, he can also see the difficulties of your life to rescue you.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.