And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
Luke 12:25 (ESV)
I have never seen a baby worry about the risks around him. Even when he risks falling, as soon as he sees his father around, he trusts him completely. It's as if he was saying to himself "my father will never let me down, he will protect me". This is exactly what this verse teaches us, it tells us not to worry about our material possessions or our financial needs, God will take care of us.
Often, instead of trusting God, we choose to ask Him questions when we don't have enough money to meet our needs or have no idea what the coming weeks have in store for us. Jesus Christ asks us to trust Him because our Father in heaven knows our smallest needs, He will know how to take care of us. Are you worried about your current financial situation? Have no fear, God will provide for your needs in due time. Trust Him.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.