And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as My Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.
Luke 24:49 (NLT)
Everything we do in life requires a first step. This first step can be a period of learning and practice, a period of waiting, an evaluation, or even someone’s approval. Until we take this step, we can’t really move forward or accomplish anything. We can’t drive a car without learning how to do it, we can’t use a computer without proper training. The same is true of God’s call on our lives.
You may have a great desire to serve God, but until you receive His call and mission, you will never be able to do His will as He desires. Your service will benefit your church, but it will not be according to God’s heart. Although the disciples spent three years listening to Jesus and following His example, it did not give them the authority or power to do what He did. Despite their experience with Jesus, they needed another power to work as He did.
Christ’s teaching was not enough, their zeal for the ministry and their understanding of His message was not enough. They needed the Holy Spirit to teach it to their audience. For that, they had to wait in the city to receive Him from heaven. Many of us are too impatient to wait on God, we want to work in what we love without even knowing if it is His will. As Jesus told his disciples, I suggest you wait on God in prayer to receive His call and anointing before entering the ministry so that you do not work in vain.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.