First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men.
1 Timothy 2:1 (RSV)
The world always revolves around us and our problems when we are faced with difficulties. We completely forget about others, waiting to be relieved of our problems before turning our attention to their situation even if it is more serious than ours. This reality is also found in our churches. While we should be praying for one another, we focus on our problems before seeing others.
Humanly speaking, we all know that it is not at all easy to pray for the problems of others when we are going through difficult times ourselves. There is no way to do it. But, when we bow under the control of the Holy Spirit, He can use our concern to lead us to pray powerfully for others. This is exactly what Paul teaches Timothy, to pray for all men. He does not show favoritism. Further on, he says that this is pleasing to God.
You do not have to love someone to intercede for them. Paul mentions kings and those who are exalted in dignity, that is, those who rule. You don’t have to love the leader of your country or his party to pray for him. Who says God won’t act on his behalf because you prayed for him? Praying for others in the midst of our distress is a sign of our faith in God and a testimony to His faithfulness.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.