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Writer's pictureJ.J. Papin

Proclaim on Every Occasion

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage— with great patience and careful instruction.

2 Timothy 4:2 (NIV)

The books of Timothy are part of the pastoral epistles because they are addressed to him as pastor of the Church. However, according to the commission Jesus gave to all believers in Matthew 19, Paul's advice to Timothy also applies to us today.

Preaching the word implies a responsible action from our part on behalf of unbelievers. We must tell them the good news of God's grace, salvation, repentance, and faith in Jesus Christ. If we don't do it, there will be no one else to do it for us. The situation is so urgent that Paul insists on doing it whether the opportunity presents itself or not.

Knowing that preaching may not be enough for some, he encourages us to convict those who are in error, to rebuke those who continue to live in sin even though they have accepted Christ, and to teach them the doctrines of Bible to help them better. From his experience, Paul knows that this requires a lot of patience. That said, like Paul, I suggest you share the gospel with those around you, whether at work, at school, or on your way. All unbelievers need Jesus, but only those who know Him can share their testimony with them.

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