Woe to those who devise iniquity, And work out evil on their beds! At morning light they practice it, Because it is in the power of their hand.
Micah 2:1 (NKJV)
John loves football very much. He is so dedicated to this sport that he is admired by everyone in his school. His coach always praises him for his abilities and style. When he plays on the field, he does not need to make too much effort to overtake his opponents and score the goal. Because of his athleticism, some of the other players on his team hate him to the point of never passing the ball to him. Sometimes, they even slander him during training, which makes him afraid.
What often scares us and makes us cry out to God is when we know that someone wants to harm us, or that he hates us. When we see him, we are always on our guard, avoiding being suddenly attacked by our enemy. It is normal to be on guard, but one thing is certain, God always watches over His children. The enemy cannot reach us without His permission. David says of Him that He neither slumbers nor sleeps, He who keeps Israel. It is the same God who keeps you too.
God knows the thoughts of the wicked. He knows what they meditate in their hearts at night. He knows each of their acts. That is why He makes us this promise to take care of us. Even when the enemy thwarts and discourages you, do not be afraid because God is there and protects you from his traps. When you do not see Him, you feel abandoned; But have the firm assurance that if the oppressor reaches you, it is because God has let him do so. At the right time, He will act for you.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.