At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want Me to give you.”
1 Kings 3:5 (NIV)
Solomon was to succeed his father David by divine decree. He had been educated and trained to be king in Israel. However, he himself had to prove his devotion to God, even though God had chosen him for that position. Before his coronation, he went to the temple to seek God’s advice on how to lead His people. Instead of giving him a list of what he was to do, God gave him a simple proposition that caused him to reevaluate his priorities and reveal the true indicator of his heart: “Ask for whatever you want Me to give you.”
Each of us has something we would like from God. For some, it’s a well-paying job. For others, it’s a husband or wife. For others, it’s a child. Some will even want to be rich and have a big house. God didn’t address Solomon’s needs; He addressed his personal desires. What we want is not always what we need. But what we ask for always reveals the indicator of our heart. What do you want God to give you?
Solomon could ask for victory over his enemies, he could ask to receive three times the wealth of his father. Anything he asked for materially, God would have granted him. Despite all that he could hope to receive, he had chosen to satisfy his real need rather than what would please him. He had given God the answer according to His heart: Wisdom. That is why God gave him everything in abundance, victory, power, money, honor. We could even say women. What you hope to receive from God or what you ask Him for in your prayers indicates where your heart really is.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.