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Writer's pictureJ.J. Papin

The Law of Love (Part 2)

And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

Ephesians 5:2 (NKJV)

This letter written to the church of Ephesus is addressed only to Christians. It can never be addressed to non-Christians, because a non-believer only knows natural love, which is 100% human affection. He cannot have the love of Christ in him, for only those who are saved can, by the power of the Holy Spirit, experience the love referred to here: The God-kind of love.

Paul speaks to us of genuine love, the godly love, the love that forgives and forgets everything, the love that understands others and supports them no matter what. However, don't get me wrong, love can also sometimes be selfish. As long as its interests are satisfied, it manifests itself; but when there is no longer any interest, you no longer see it, it fades over time. This is the interest-based kind of love.

As a Christian, even though the love of God is poured into your heart, you can still be selfish. It happens when you allow yourself to be guided more by your personal desires and the lusts of the world than by the Holy Spirit. One thing I would like to tell you today, love is not an emotion, but rather a commitment, a personal decision made in obedience to the word of God. Because it is a decision, you must learn to demonstrate it to your neighbor even if his attitude displeases you and hurts you. Remember, Jesus has suffered at the cross, but that didn't stop him from loving and forgiving us.

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