Bien-aimés, aimons-nous les uns les autres, car l'amour vient de Dieu, et toute personne qui aime est née de Dieu et connaît Dieu.
1 Jean 4:7 (SG21)
A month after an incident, a man came to a church office, asking to speak to the One Who Loves Like Christ. Not knowing who it was, the secretary asked him to give her an exact description of the person to better identify him. The man had no description other than the one mentioned. Thinking it was the pastor, the secretary went to inform him. The secretary was stunned when the pastor clearly stated who he was.
What could this man have done to be identified and described as “The One Who Loves Like Christ”? He cared for the victims of this incident with love, he gave importance to their needs and was always ready to listen to them. He gave time to those most affected and occupied them as much as he could. His attitude and dedication to the needs of others earned him the description of “The One Who Loves Like Christ.”
If this man did not have in him the love that Christ had for others, at least he proved that he could love at that level. This is what God commands us to do without favoritism, to love one another. God is love, He wants His children to learn to share that same love with others. If you do not know how to love, think of the sacrifices that Jesus endured for you on the cross, you will have an idea of what true love is.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.