And He said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath.
Mark 2:27-28 (KJV)
When God originally created the Sabbath, it was for man’s good. He imposed a disciplinary measure on him regarding the time of work. The Sabbath was the day when man was to rest completely from all work. God first gave Himself as an example when, after spending six days creating the earth and everything in it, He rested. He did not want man to spend all his time working without resting.
However, the Bible story helps us understand that God had another purpose in mind. Sin, which separated man from God, required him to follow and obey every commandment of God in order to please Him. This was impossible for Him to do. Annual sacrifices and rituals were necessary to receive God’s forgiveness, to gain His attention, and to have rest. Since this was a great demand on us, God chose to grant us His rest in Jesus Christ.
Now you no longer have sacrifices to offer, animals to kill, laws to respect to be forgiven and to please God. Jesus Christ gave Himself as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of your sins. He bore the weight of the burdens that were too heavy for you. Now your spiritual rest is in Him, that is why He was established Lord of the Sabbath. Put your trust in Christ, open your heart to Him, accept His sacrifice and you will be pleasing to God.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.