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Writer's pictureKettly Bien-Aimé

We Are Limited

Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand.

Job 38:4 (NIV)

The real meaning of the question God asked Job is whether he knew how the earth was formed. Of course, Job didn't have the answer. Now, if you pay attention to this verse, you will see that God insisted that Job would answer Him if he had any understanding. We must remember that even if it were explained to us, we could never understand it because of our limited minds. We will never fully understand the wisdom and power of God regarding the plan He has for our lives.

Every question God asked Job only demonstrated God's sovereign authority, wisdom, and power. He did not need to explain His work, and none of us have the right to question His perfect plan or why He allowed hardship to happen to His children. If I ask you, “Do you really believe that God is able to meet all your needs?” Most of you would say yes, but when difficulties and sorrow arise, you will begin to ask God where are you? Why are you letting this happen to me?

Today I want you to know that not only is God able to meet all your needs, but He is also able to satisfy the deepest desires of your heart. Just place your faith in God and trust that He has a plan for you, that He has planned every day of every life, and that He knows what is best for each of us. We can trust God with our lives even when we don't understand, because His plans are always for our benefit.

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