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Where are the Nine?

Writer's picture: J.J. PapinJ.J. Papin

Jesus asked, “Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine?

Luke 17:17 (NIV)

An old lady seeing her cat fall into a hole, starts looking for help to get it out. She goes straight to the neighbor across the street explaining her situation. Seeing the desolation of the old lady, the neighbor's husband does everything in his power to make her happy by saving her cat. After seeing her cat, the old lady does not go to her neighbor and her husband to thank them but she has them say that it was her duty to help an elderly person. The neighbor simply asks: "Is she happy at least?"

This situation is not new, even Jesus experienced such a situation with the 10 lepers. When they needed to be healed, they all started shouting at Him for help. After healing them, He asked them to go to the priest to confirm their healing according to the ordinances that God had given in the Old Testament. The 10 left but only one returned to Jesus to thank and worship Him. Man is naturally ungrateful. We often forget the good things that have been done to us and fail to show our gratitude.

Do you take the time to thank God for His blessings, praise Him and give Him glory for all He has done for you, especially for an unexpected blessing He has given you? Notice Jesus’ question, “Where are the other nine?” This means that Jesus values ​​human gratitude. It is so important to give glory to God for all He has done for you, even for what seems unimportant to you. Make sure you are the one who returns when God asks, “Where are the others?”

May the grace and peace of God be with you all.

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