And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off.
Matthew 18:13 (NIV)
You all know this parable of Jesus concerning the lost sheep. Although the depth of the parable lies in the fact that the man in question (the shepherd) leaves the 99 others in search of the one who was lost, I would like to draw your attention to another aspect of this wonderful story, that of a concerned and attentive shepherd, who takes into account the spiritual state of each member of his flock.
This aspect leads me to understand 5 levels of responsibility of a shepherd towards the people of God. The shepherd is a protector, a guide, a provider, a biblical counselor, and ultimately a guardian. This is exactly what David expresses in Psalm 23 when he says that the Lord is his shepherd. Considering how he describes God's work in his life, each verse in this chapter touches on one of these fundamental points. In summary, God cares about His children and their needs.
What we must understand in all this is that it is not necessary to be a pastor to be shepherd of the people of God. No matter what ministry you lead, as long as you have a group under your care, you become a shepherd in God's eyes, and you are accountable to Him for every soul entrusted to your care. The true shepherd is one who cares about the spiritual needs of each member of his group. He is not only happy when he finds someone who has gone astray, he is also happy when the whole flock aims for the same goal, the sanctification and glory of God.
May the grace and peace of God be with you all.